My name is Dawn. I'm a full-time piano teacher, and I love connecting my students with music they're going to want to practice. Many years ago now, this led me to start creating custom arrangements for student requests. After doing this for a number of years, I had quite a collection built up and decided to see what I could do to get some published. And so this little shop began.
What this really means is that any arrangement of a song by a popular artist on this site has been pedagogically arranged for playability at the designated level, while also staying true enough to the original so as to still be recognizable and fun to play. All licensed arrangements that are available here have been published through the Hal Leonar ArrangeMe program.
You'll also find a handful of original compositions and public domain arrangements on this site. The most notable is my Season's Series - collections of seasonally inspired sheet music for early intermediate to intermediate pianists. While all of my original music is also available on SheetMusicPlus, it does give me an extra bit of joy when someone decides to purchase them directly from me. As my way of thanks, all direct purchases on original or public domain arrangements come with an unlimited studio printing license for teachers to use in their studios.
If you have questions about your direct order, or a specific song you'd like me to look into arranging, just drop me a line below.